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Susanna's Kitchen Coffeehouse

Live music every third Thursday




Great music! Wonderful musicians, great volunteers and a great cause.  Proceeds from the Susanna's Kitchen concerts go to help people in our community who are in need, through Barnabas Connection,  Wimberley Community Assistance Fund, and other Wimberley-area nonprofits, plus scholarships for pre-schoolers at Bright Beginnings.


Great food! Delicious pies, tamales, pizza, coffee, and soft drinks available. Doors open by 7:00 pm. Concerts start at 7:30 pm and are held in the Fellowship Hall at Wimberley United Methodist Church.


Great Cause! We all benefit – those who come to hear the best music in Wimberley, those who have a great time volunteering their talents to produce the concerts, and the people who are helped by our donations. Mark your calendars for every Third Thursday year round.


Tickets are sold ONLY AT THE DOOR. Tickets range in price from $20-$25 depending on the musician. Cash and checks are currently accepted. Students under 18 are $5.  Concerts are not appropriate for small children, as there is no childcare.

To ensure a good seat, and as some concerts sell out, come early!  Ticket sales begin by 6:30 pm. Arrival between 6:30 pm and 6:45 pm is suggested, especially for very popular musicians.  Doors open by 7 pm. Come early, enjoy dinner with us and enjoy the concert experience in a small, intimate environment. Oh, and don't forget that Susanna's Kitchen Concerts take cash or checks at the gate, but not credit cards or other methods of payment.


For inquiries about Susanna's Kitchen, contact the church office at

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Upcoming Shows:​



March 20               Susan Gibson     

April 17                 Jimmy Davis

May 15                  Lost Austin Band

June 19                 Halleyanna Finley

July 17                  Shake Russell

August 21             Hill Country Honeys

September 18      Adam and Chris Carroll

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Susan Gibson
March 20, 2025

One of the reasons Susan Gibson always keeps a banjo close at hand, be it in the studio or at every show she plays, is because she likes the "lift" it brings to counterbalance a particularly heavy lyric: "Almost like it's got a smile attached to it," she says. But as much as she loves the instrument, the fact is, she really doesn't have to reach for it that often. Not because she shies away from such material, but because her naturally buoyant melodies and warmly reassuring, conversational singing and writing voice more often than not provide all the lift she needs to light up any song, room, or mood. 


For proof, just listen to The Hard Stuff — the award-winning Texas songwriter's seventh release as a solo artist and her first full-length album since 2011's Tight Rope. Much like the EP that preceded it, 2016's Remember Who You Are, the aptly-titled The Hard Stuff is rooted in grief; Gibson wrote the album in the midst of coming to terms with the death of first one parent and then the other in the span of four years, a time during which she says her career became far less of a priority to her than her family. But it was that very period of slowing down for emotional recalibration that ultimately pulled her out of the dark and back into the light.


As she sings on The Hard Stuff's disarmingly playful title track, "Nothing lifts a heavy heart like some elbow grease and a funny bone" — and even when Gibson's not laughing at herself, her refreshingly clear-eyed perspectives on matters of life, love, work, and loss (sometimes all within the same song, as in the invigorating opener "Imaginary Lines" and the deeply moving "Wildflowers in the Weeds") illuminate the whole album with a spirit-charging current of resiliency. Of course, anyone familiar with Gibson's music knows that she's had that in her all along, from her salad days in the beloved Amarillo, Texas-based Amerciana band the Groobees back in the ’90s and from the get-go of her solo career with 2003's Chin Up. It was even all there at the very beginning, when she wrote a little song in college called "Wide Open Spaces" that grew up to become (with a little help from the Dixie Chicks) one of the biggest country songs of all time. Turns out all she had to do to rediscover it and get herself back on the road to embracing both life and art was to heed the best advice her father ever gave her, three little words that millions of Dixie Chicks fans (and a whole lotta Susan Gibson fans over the years, too) sing along to at every show: "Check the oil!" 


Hear Susan Gibson at Susanna’s Kitchen on Thursday, March 20.  Doors open by 7:00 with the performance starting at 7:30. Tickets: $25 (sold only at the door.) Come for dinner: pies, pizza, tamales, nachos and soft drinks. Located at Wimberley United Methodist Church, Corner of RR 12 and CR 1492.


Proceeds benefit Barnabas Connection, Bright Beginnings Preschool, Wimberley Community Assistance Fund and other nonprofits.

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Mark your calendar for our
April guest:

Jimmy Davis
April 17, 2025

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